Fire protection is essential for every residential and commercial building, but it is crucial in a sensitive environment like a hospital or a healthcare centre. Healthcare facilities are home to several patients, some of those may not even be able to evacuate in case of a fire breakout. 

Even a small fire can lead to extensive damage to life and property. Hence, healthcare facility managers must take extra measures towards fire safety. 

If you are a hospital or healthcare facility manager looking for effective ways to enhance safety, our firestopping Kent experts have mentioned some incredible ways to help you do so. But, before that, let us look at some of the primary factors that can lead to fires in hospitals. 

Major Sources Of Ignition In Hospitals 

  • Unattended cooking stoves 
  • Clothes in dryer or washer  
  • The intentional fire – caused by mentally unstable patients. 
  • Combustible materials. 
  • Faulty electrical distribution or lighting equipment. 
  • Chemicals in the lab 
  • Boiler And Fuel-Fired Heater Rooms

How To Improve Fire Safety In Healthcare Setups? 

Architecture And Layout Precautions 

The layout and architecture of your building play a significant role in drawing the line between “fire in hospital” and “hospital on fire”. A hospital’s layout should be intricately planned, keeping in mind all the hazard-prone factors. 

There should be ample open space to increase the time taken by a fire to spread and allow the safe evacuation of patients and staff. Avail Passive Fire Survey London from CA Fire Protection and determine your fire safety requirements to minimize the chances of errors and fire hazards. 

Kitchens are the most vulnerable areas in a healthcare facility. Hence, extra care should be taken while designing the layout of the kitchen / canteen.   

Fire Safety Plan 

Every healthcare structure should have a robust fire safety plan, and every member should be made well aware of this plan. Doing so will ensure a safe evacuation in case of a breakout. 

Moreover, the hospital staff should regularly carry out fire drills to prepare themselves for taking prompt and effective action in emergencies. While this may seem like an added responsibility, it is crucial to ensure that the staff and patients are safe and secured. 

Install Fire Detection Equipment

Fire detective equipment such as alarm systems, sprinklers, flame detectors, etc., is an integral part of active fire safety. This equipment detects heat and fire at the earliest and alerts the occupants, leading to the swift evacuation.  

Therefore, every hospital structure should be equipped with necessary detection and prevention protection equipment.  

Faulty fire detection equipment is one of the primary reasons for fire hazards globally. 

Hence, along with installation, regular detection of such equipment is vital to ensure that they work optimally. To maximize safety, it is advisable to hire professionals to carry out fire protection surveys. 

Passive Fire Protection Measures 

The measure mentioned in the above point activates after the fire has started. On the other hand, a passive protection system is on-guard 24/7 and actively suppresses the spread of fire. 

Fire curtains, fire doors, firewalls, ducts, etc., are essential elements of passive fire protection. These components are installed at the time of construction, and they act as a barrier between the compartments of the building to minimize the spread of fire and smoke. 

By compartmentalizing fire in departments, these systems allow the safe evacuation of occupants and minimize property damage. For your requirements of Passive Fire Protection London, Contact Ca fire protection. 

Plan For Regular Inspections & Servicing

Once you have installed active and passive fire protection systems, it is time to curate an inspection and service schedule for these elements. To ensure optimal functionality and legal compliance, it is necessary to carry out inspections at regular intervals. 

It can be challenging to keep track of every fire safety component. Hence, to avoid missing a fire inspection/service, it is recommended to sign a regular inspection and services with a renowned supplier.


Fire protection systems can mean the difference between life & death. Therefore, hospital administrators cannot undermine the importance of fire safety components. 

At CA fire protection, we supply and install a range of passive fire protection systems in several areas of the UK. For your requirements related to Firestopping Kent, London & surrounding areas, contact our team today. 



Fire protection is essential for every residential and commercial building, but it is crucial in a sensitive environment like a hospital or a healthcare centre. Healthcare facilities are home to several patients, some of those may not even be able to evacuate in case of a fire breakout. Even a small fire can lead to extensive damage to life and property. Hence, healthcare facility managers must take extra measures towards fire safety.

How To Improve Fire Safety In Healthcare Setups?

Once you have installed active and passive fire protection systems, it is time to curate an inspection and service schedule for these elements. To ensure optimal functionality and legal compliance, it is necessary to carry out inspections at regular intervals. It can be challenging to keep track of every fire safety component. Hence, to avoid missing a fire inspection/service, it is recommended to sign a regular inspection and services with a renowned supplier.